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Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Download Category: The Super Crew’s Nutrition Adventures

Mango Mania!

This free printable activity teaches your child all about mangoes! They will learn the nutritional information about mangoes, find out how to make Mango Sorbet, and complete a mango maze. […]

Teaching with Food!

This free printable guide provides ideas for how you can teach essential lessons, like the alphabet, measurements, and safety skills, to your child while using food. They will be eager […]

Super Crew’s Body Helper’s Guide

This free printable activity teaches your child about how various fruits and vegetables help keep different parts of their body healthy. They will learn that by eating lots of different […]

What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

This free printable activity engages your child in a science lesson to figure out what a plant needs to grow. They will try growing the same type of plant in […]

White Fruits and Vegetables

This free printable activity takes your child on an adventure through the grocery store to find a list of white fruits and vegetables. The activity teaches your child how white […]

Race to the Best Milk

This free printable activity teaches your child about the different types of dairy milk and why choosing a milk with less fat is good for their bodies. They will also […]

Turn Seeds into Alfalfa Sprouts

This free printable activity teaches your child how to grow alfalfa sprouts from seeds! They will learn how to grow this fun fresh food in a jar and find out […]

Save the Apple

This free printable activity teaches your child about why apples turn brown after they have been cut. They will understand how adding lemon juice saves the apple from discoloration and […]

Whole Grain Treasure Hunt

This free printable activity takes your child on a treasure hunt through the grocery store! They will search for whole grains then learn about what a whole grain is and […]

Mango Mania!

This free printable activity teaches your child all about mangoes! They will learn the nutritional information about mangoes, find out how to make Mango Sorbet, and complete a mango maze. […]

Teaching with Food!

This free printable guide provides ideas for how you can teach essential lessons, like the alphabet, measurements, and safety skills, to your child while using food. They will be eager […]

Super Crew’s Body Helper’s Guide

This free printable activity teaches your child about how various fruits and vegetables help keep different parts of their body healthy. They will learn that by eating lots of different […]

What Does a Plant Need to Grow?

This free printable activity engages your child in a science lesson to figure out what a plant needs to grow. They will try growing the same type of plant in […]

White Fruits and Vegetables

This free printable activity takes your child on an adventure through the grocery store to find a list of white fruits and vegetables. The activity teaches your child how white […]

Race to the Best Milk

This free printable activity teaches your child about the different types of dairy milk and why choosing a milk with less fat is good for their bodies. They will also […]

Turn Seeds into Alfalfa Sprouts

This free printable activity teaches your child how to grow alfalfa sprouts from seeds! They will learn how to grow this fun fresh food in a jar and find out […]

Save the Apple

This free printable activity teaches your child about why apples turn brown after they have been cut. They will understand how adding lemon juice saves the apple from discoloration and […]

Whole Grain Treasure Hunt

This free printable activity takes your child on a treasure hunt through the grocery store! They will search for whole grains then learn about what a whole grain is and […]

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