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Explore our expert nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more.


gardening with your kids

Gardening With Your Little Ones

Spring is in the air, which means that it is time to start planning your vegetable garden! Growing a vegetable

Fueling Up Healthy When Playing!

Lead your kids toward longterm health with good fuel and an active lifestyle! Kids need fuel for activities so that

Get Seasonal in Your Kitchen

Choosing fruit and vegetables that are locally grown and currently in season can save money and give you more nutritional benefits

Preventing Pre-Diabetes in Your Child

What is pre-diabetes in children and how can it be prevented? Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have

Preschool and Pre-Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is now seen in children as early as preschool age. Excess calorie intake and weight gain above recommended amounts

Jill Jayne

Learn about Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne and how she’s impacted kids’ nutrition! We caught up with Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne

Christen Cooper, MS, RD

Super Kids Nutrition had the opportunity to speak with nutrition educator, Super Kids Nutrition Advisory member and writer Christen Cooper,

Rachel Begun, MS, RD

SuperKids Nutrition had the chance to catch up with Rachel Begun, MS, RD, a Registered Dietitian with Celiac Disease, author

Stacey Antine, MS, RD

Super Kids Nutrition is always on the search for new ways to get kids excited about food and healthy living!