Everyone is so busy these days with work, school, and extracurricular activities that too often exercise gets pushed to the wayside. Evidence shows that adults should get a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week and children require 60 minutes of physical activity every day. To some this seems insurmountable.
How can families fit exercise in?
- Play together. Go for a walk. Rake leaves and then jump in! Play tag. Play catch. Adults need to set a good example for physical activity. The children will follow your lead and hopefully become active for life!
- Establish a routine. It does not matter when you exercise; you just need to do it! Make a commitment to get fit. Plan your day and make sure exercise is a permanent part of your schedule.
- Join the president’s challenge at www.presidentschallenge.org . Track your individual activities together and earn awards.
- Make physical activity the focus of the next birthday party you plan. Set up backyard Olympics, bowling, play badminton, or have a pool party. Have everyone participate. Offer nonfood prizes.
- Limit time spent watching television and playing video games. These activities will not increase your fitness level. The commercials advertising candy, fast food, and snacking will only increase the likelihood mindless munching by you and your family. Instead of going to the fridge during the commercials, get active.
- See how many times you can go up and down the stairs during commercial breaks. Get the Fitball out and sit on it during the show. This will make your core stronger. Take turns during sit-ups. One person holds the other’s person feet and does the counting and motivating. Take it to the next level and have a push-up contest.