by Iinnovative Kids
This book is actually listed as a paperback, but is made of nontoxic, latex-free, colorful, and floatable pop out foam. With this book your child can: Learn about the different food groups; make-believe they are making a meal by pulling out the pieces and putting them back in the lunch box or on a plate; learn to read; learn to count; and even play with them in the tub at bath time. All this activity and learning in 8 little pages! The pop out pieces include: 1 thermos that can represent a hot or cold food or beverage, 2 drumsticks, 3 carrots, and 4 strawberries.
This book encompasses language arts, performing arts, edible arts, and math skills. Exposing children to good eating habits and meal planning at an early age is the key to healthy eating habits later in life.
After reading this book with your child:
- Ask your child to name other foods they can put in the lunch box from the different food groups.
- Along with your child, make up a nutritious lunch for you and your child to eat.
- Cut out more fruits and vegetables and healthy foods from colorful foam to play with and use to model healthy meals.
My Lunch Box by Iinnovative Kids, illustrated by Bob Filipowich. Innovative Kids, Connecticut: 2003